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Mini Me

Not new news here, Bush just reiterating what he has said in the past before. I think Iran is well aware that the US supports Israel to the extent in which President Bush spoke about.


Blah, blah, blah. Bush ought to support Israel's right to run the moslem vermin right out of Israel.


Hi Mini Me,

Yes, it's not new, but it's important for Bush to constantly repeat these important thoughts. He is one of the bravest and strongest men I have seen in politics. I'm thankful we have an individual in the White House during these most difficult times.

Solid Surfer

This statement is definitely good for Israel, but it is true (and this regards MadZionist's point too) that Bush's primary goal is to benefit the U.S., and not necessarily Israel. Concerning Iran, America's and Israel's interests generally coincide, so America certainly wants to help Israel here. This, of course, is a good thing, and I think Bush can be held to his word on it. But there is also something a bit troubling with what he said, and I plan to address that in a post later today.

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