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Bibi is the only candidate who can solve Israel's problems... its ashame that he lost. Just look what he did with the economy!


Hi Surfer,

From an economic point of view, immigrants, illeagal or otherwise, are crucial to our economy, as they are to Europe's. Without them, Europe's and our inflation rates would be much higher and we and they would likely export even more jobs. Unfortunately, Europe's immigrants do not assimilate, religeously or culturally, while Mexicans do so in much greater numbers We should give them credit for this.

Solid Surfer

There's really just one main reason for this - most of Europe's immigrants are Muslim while most of America's are not. Our culture and economy also does a much better job of integrating people, but even in Europe, most non-Muslim immigrants (Indians, Chinese, etc.) have assimilated just fine, and so we can see that being Muslim is the defining factor.

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