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I enjoyed this article. It really is disconcerting to see so many liberal Jews who are hostile to the Republican party. I am curious to see if a McCain or Guliani can make major in-roads into the Jewish vote in 2008. Perhaps it will take someone not affiliated with the Christian Right to get Jews to act more reasonable in their voting patterns.

Freedom Now

Ha haa haaaa!!!! I love it, the root causes of ultra-libealism.

You know it is ironic that the last six to eight months has seen the Left demand that the Bush Administration take more of an active stance on Darfur.

This is amusing because it was the Bush Administration that was the first to condemn the violence there and call it a "possible" genocide. Anti-Bush activists scoffed at the suggestion and accused the US of having ulterior motives. So the Administration resorted to working behind the scenes.

Proving that anti-American activism is pathological.


Neither the Republicans nor the Democrats are friends of the Jew, while both Clinton and Bush talked alot in support of Israel there actions were always to the detriment of the Jewish State. The Jewish people must learn that the only friend of the Jew is the Jew and the only one we can depend on is Hashem.


Great seeing you, Surfer! Look forward to crossing paths with you again, my friend.

Mini Me

Great article K-Swiss! It makes you wonder about the future and what will happen to the voting patterns of the Jews? Can they continue to be anti-Republican if that means they are also anti-Israel? I wonder if voting patterns among Jews change, specifically in the 2008 election. How dramatically can liberal Jews change their values and beliefs before they finally give in and vote Republican? That question is starting to be answered now and it will certainly be addressed even more so in the future.

Solid Surfer

These are all really great insights...I think they're all more or less correct simultaneously. Like any political party in any nation, both the Democrats and the GOP are first and foremost out for themselves. And certainly this doesn't automatically include supporting Jews or Israel (or any other group of people).

But that said, in a straight toss-up between the two, the Republicans clearly seems more in line with Israel and Jewish interests and values, and on that basis, American Jews are increasingly incentivized to trend GOP.

And Allan - I agree with you on both McCain and Giuliani...guess we'll have to wait and see what happens in the 2008 primaries!

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