Plenty of interesting news from the past few days. First and foremost, efforts are ramping up to stop Israeli Prime Minister Olmert's suicidal withdrawal plan from the West Bank. As the Gaza debacle has shown, withdrawal has led not to peace, but simply to more terrorism, and this disaster must not be repeated. To that end, Israel's Center For Security Policy (CSP) has launched an advertising campaign against the withdrawal on U.S. national television. Accompanying the spot, CSP's Mideast Fellow Caroline Glick (who is also the Deputy Managing Director of the Jerusalem Post) has written an excellent analysis of the situation. (It's a 20-page PDF, but is a quick read and very well worth seeing.)
On a related note, progress continues toward creating viable energy alternatives to Middle Eastern oil. WorldNetDaily reports on a start-up company called Hydrogen Technologies Applications that claims, unbelievably, to have created a method of powering motor vehicles using only water. Yep, you heard that correctly - the company's machine runs on pure H2O. Skeptical? So are many others, according to the article. But the company's founder and president insists on legitimacy, and given that they provided a thorough demonstration (note: video link) for Fox News, I'm remaining cautiously optimistic.
Meanwhile, an even greater energy source could be arriving soon as well: Scientists clear major technical hurdle in generating nuclear fusion.
And in more sci-tech news, Israeli researchers have invented a hemispheric force field to protect tanks against enemy fire from all directions, even if the tank is moving. I was just as astounded to hear this too (you'd almost think it came straight out of Star Wars), but rest assured, it's very real (note: another video link).
In other reports:
The justices of California's 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals have just received my vote for impeachment and replacement. These disgusting leftists have ruled in the name of "multiculturalism" that public schools can teach the Islamic religion, but cannot recite the U.S. pledge of allegiance. This case should be appealed to the Supreme Court and overturned immediately.
America does have good news as well, though - columnist Michael Barone tells why, despite the typical barrage of bad news from the media, Americans (and the world) should be optimistic about the future. One such reason, by the way, is that the much-hyped global warming scare is indeed just hype. (Here is a second article that concurs, as well.)
And finally, former PLO terrorist-turned-Israel-supporter Walid Shoebat offers a harsh but inspirational critique of less-than-stellar Jewish support for Israel. This may not be the easiest read, but it's certainly a must-read.
The water idea I think is our long range future, but I actually believe the post you made a few months ago about the endless natural oil reproduction is the reality I feel most confident about.
Looking forward to Tuesday, my friend.
Posted by: Madzionist | May 24, 2006 at 08:34 PM
Same here...will be in touch shortly!
Abiotic oil definitely seems like the real deal, but I have a feeling that the water idea could be more efficient. Nuclear fusion would be even more amazing in that sense too - it's the same method that allows the sun to shine, so it'd be a pretty much limitless supply of energy (although there would be some additional costs to convert it into liquid fuel for running vehicles).
Posted by: Solid Surfer | May 25, 2006 at 08:37 AM